
Board Members Aeva Black, Tracy Hinds, Carlo Piana, Anne-Marie Scott, Josh Berkus, Justin Colannino, Pamela Chestek

Guests Stefano Maffuli 

Regrets Catharina and Thierry sent notice that they would be delayed.

Quorum reached at 08:05 PT


Approval of previous minutes

Justin moves to approve August minutes. Carlo seconds. All present approve.

Operational Updates

Stef provides a financial update. We continue to have more than the targeted 5 months of financial reserves. Some sponsors indicated support for the Deep Dive AI work through additional sponsorships.

Stef provides a summary of achievements regarding concurrent Licensing, Policy, Affiliate, and Advocacy/Outreach Programs. Opensource.net planned to launch next week. Aeva and Anne-Marie request additional information regarding the Open Policy Alliance roadmap. 

Stef shares a plan to reinforce successes in the coming year. Anne-Marie expresses concern about external challenges to open source licensing. Aeva expresses concern about the Open Policy Alliance’s slow progress. Tracy expresses concern about the Licensing work. The Board discusses the funding and progress of Clearly Defined.

Stef shares a proposal to revamp the Affiliates Program. The Board discusses the proposal. Several members share ideas for a globally-applicable criteria for membership, considering that 501c3 is a US-specific construct.


Catharina joins the meeting around 08:45 (approximate).

Catharina introduces a discussion about the Board composition. Justin and Tracy depart the meeting. Catharina introduces a motion to re-appoint Tracy Hinds and Justin Collanino for another two-year term. Carlo seconded the motion. All present approved. Justin and Tracy return to the meeting.

Catharina introduces a discussion about passing on the Board Chair role. Carlo departs the meeting. Josh introduces a motion to elect Carlo as the new Board Chair. Aeva seconds. All present approve. Carlo rejoins the meeting.

Pam introduces a discussion regarding two license proposals.

  • Mulan Open Works License (dual english and chinese). The License Committee recommends not approving these licenses as they are “open culture” licenses, rather than “open source”. 
  • YATeam Public License Version 1 (dual english and chinese). The License Committee points out that the proposed license, in section 4, allows non-OSD compatible restrictions, and that the english-language version is unintelligible.

Pam moves that the OSI Board reject the Mulan Open Works License group as OSI-approved licenses. Carlo seconds. All present support the motion. 

Pam moves that the OSI Board reject YATeam Public License Version 1 as an OSI-Approved license. Carlo seconds. All present support the motion.

The Board agrees to postpone the KPI review another month.

Meeting is adjourned at 09:57.

Meeting is adjourned at 09:57.