Public Money? Public Code! 22 Organizations Seek to Improve Public Software Procurement

Digital services offered and used by public administrations are the critical infrastructure of 21st-century democratic nations. To establish trustworthy systems, government agencies must ensure they have full control over systems at the core of our digital infrastructure. This is rarely the case today due to restrictive software licenses.

Today, 22 organizations are publishing an open letter in which they call for lawmakers to advance legislation requiring publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made available under a Free and Open Source Software license. The initial signatories include CCC, EDRi, Free Software Foundation Europe, KDE, Open Knowledge Foundation Germany, Open Source Business Alliance, Open Source Initiative, The Document Foundation, Wikimedia Germany, as well as several others; they ask individuals and other organization to sign the open letter. The open letter will be sent to candidates for the German Parliament election and, during the coming months, until the 2019 EU parliament elections, to other representatives of the EU and EU member states.

Public institutions spend millions of euros each year on the development of new software tailored to their needs. The procurement choices of the public sector play a significant role in determining which companies are allowed to compete and what software is supported with tax payers’ money. Public administrations on all levels frequently have problems sharing code with each other, even if they funded its complete development. Furthermore, without the option for independent third parties to run audits or other security checks on the code, sensible citizen data is at risk.

“We need software that fosters the sharing of good ideas and solutions. Only like this will we be able to improve IT services for people all over Europe. We need software that guarantees freedom of choice, access, and competition. We need software that helps public administrations regain full control of their critical digital infrastructure, allowing them to become and remain independent from a handful of companies,” says Matthias Kirschner, President of the Free Software Foundation Europe.

That is why the signatories call on representatives all around Europe to modernize their digital infrastructure to allow other public administrations, companies, or individuals to freely use, study, share and improve applications developed with public money. Thereby providing safeguards for the public administration against being locked down to services from specific companies that use restrictive licences to hinder competition, and ensuring that the source code is accessible so that back doors and security holes can be fixed without depending on only one service provider.

“Over the last few years, more and more companies experienced the benefits of working together on open source software. If even business competitors reuse and share code, then public administrations should be able to as well. If it is public money, it should be public code as well!”, says Patrick Masson, General Manager & Director, Open Source Initiative.

Public Money? Public Code! from Free Software Foundation Europe on Vimeo.

Initial Signatories:

Associação Ensino Livre | Associação Nacional para o Software Livre (ANSOL) | Chaos Computer Club (CCC) | D3-Defesa dos Direitos Digitais | Foundation | European Digital Rights (EDRi) | Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) | HackYourPhD | KDE | Linux User Group Of Slovenia (LUGOS) | Linuxwochen | Modern Poland Foundation | Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland | Open Software Business Alliance | Open Source Initiative (OSI | Software Liberty Association Taiwan | The Document Foundation | Wikimedia Germany | Xnet | digitalcourage | ePaństwo | quintessenz