OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Quorum Reached and Meeting Called to Order 11:11am EST

Mr. Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, Director
Ms. Danese Cooper, Secretary and Treasurer
Mr. Russell Nelson, Director
Mr. Michael Tiemann, President
Mr. Mark Radcliffe, General Counsel
Mr. Raj Mathur, Director
Ms. Nnenna Nwakanma, Director
Ms. Alolita Sharma, Director
Mr. Merrill Freund (Schwartz Communications)
Mr. Ernest Prabhakar

Mr. Ken Coar, Director
Mr. Bruno Souza, Director
Mr. Matt Asay, Director
Mr. Andrew C. Oliver
Mr. B’dale Garbee
Mr. Fede Heinz

Meeting Notes:

1. Officer reports

a) President

* Update on activities of last month, including Zak Greant’s work on a TRAC-based system for tracking OSI issues, Ernie Prabakar’s work on re-organizing the public mail lists and Mark Webbink’s work setting up a legal advisory board (for which we are considering a press release). Officially launch TRAC and the new approval process still pending.
* Discussion of fundsraising activities.
* Discussion of License Proliferation as a priority for the coming year.
* Discussion of scheduling upcoming Face to Face meeting in March 2008.

b) General Counsel

* Update on current legal actions for which we have filed amicus briefs and efforts of Software Freedom Law Center.

Trademark process work chair is Mr. Coar.

c) Secretary

* Update on preparation of public minutes

d) Treasurer

* Cash accounts report.

2. Committee reports:

a) Licensing Committee (Mr. Nelson)

* Discussion of need for Vice Chair for License-Approval. Job requires 2 hours per week.

Mr. Nelson or Mr. Tiemann will post a comment to License-Discuss about Mr. Nelson’s current hardware failure.

* Discussion of EUPL: Mr. Ghosh reported on the acceptance of EUPL by European Commission. In June they accepted a report on whether or not to submit to OSI, and they’ve accepted the report, but so far haven’t submitted. Meanwhile are translating EUPL to 21 languages. FOSDEM possibly a place to discuss whether they should submit to OSI. Mr. Radcliffe requests pointers to the issue. Workshop on EUPL on January 25th in Brussels.

3. Old Business:

a) Revisit Tee-shirt logo request (Mr. Coar)
*Tabled for future meeting when Mr. Coar is present.

b) Japanese Fonts (Mr. Tiemann)
*Discussion of encouraging Japan to submit their license to us. Mr. Tiemann will carry this issue.

c) Affliates Program – recent requests (Mr. Nelson)
*Mr. Nelson will circulate his proposal for Affiliates Program.

d) Program Manager Candidates (Ms. Cooper)
*Discussion of resumes we have received.

4. New Business:

a) Set date and venue for 2008 Face to Face.
*Discussion of dates. Mark Radcliffe offered possible space for the meeting. Posit March 1-3 in Chicago, Detroit or Austin

b) TRAC system discussion & Mailing List Reorg
*Discussion of Mail List Reorgs and License Approval Process documents and cleaning up the Left Nav Bar. Mr. Prabakhar will publish these.
*Discussion of intention for TRAC to track participation in addition to issues. We will be talking at next F2F about setting thresholds for minimum participation.

c) Localization
* Discussion of where we are with Alfresco. Ms. Sharma will follow up with OSI Webmaster, Steve Mallet, for next Board meeting.

d) Endorsement for Freed.in event?
* Discussion of opensource.org endorsement policy. Mr. Mathur will follow up with iLUG-D

Meeting Adjourned 1:07pm EST