Supporting FLOSS Desktops for Kids: $10,000

Page created on November 23, 2018 | Last modified on January 25, 2023

This year the Open Source Initiative will dedicate 100% of funds raised during our annual fund drive to the FLOSS Desktops for kids project… Please DONATE NOW.

About FLOSS Desktops for Kids

FLOSS Desktops for Kids at
Siena College, Albany, New York, USA.

Where is the next generation of open source developers coming from?

OSI’s FLOSS Desktops for Kids project helps school districts and educators teach kids about computers and computing. Using discarded school computers, students break-down and repair computer hardware components, install open source software including GNU/Linux, LibreOffice, GIMP, (OK, even Minecraft and Steam). The project teaches kids about computers and computing by doing.

Once completed, kids take their computers home, “for keeps.”

Your contribution will ensure the project can continue. Even if you can not make a financial donation, you can still help:

The OSI Guaran’Tee (click to view)
Your gift for donations of $200+
  • Tweet…
    • “Help @OpenSourceOrg introduce #opensource into #schools:”
    • “Q. Where are tomorrow’s #opensource software developers coming from? A. Today’s #schools. Help grow #OSS in #education:”
    • “Help grow tomorrows #opensource community by growing #opensource #education in #schools today: :”
  • If your company relies on open source, contributes to open source projects, or even develops its own open source software, please ask them to seed the next generation of developers (and employees).
  • If you already an OSI Member, or have donated already, please ask your peers to join us in our efforts (…and thank you!).

FLOSS Desktops for Kids is in its fifth year and growing fast. Your donation will help provide training for new schools and teachers, find and share hardware across programs, but most importantly, get computers into the hands of kids who may not have access without this program, while also introducing them to free and open source software.

Students rebuilding computers:
Learning by doing.

We hope you will donate generously.

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